The Observability challenge executive leadership

Observability can be a challenge for most executives because their focus and priorities might differ from those of technical teams, such as DevOps and SREs, who rely heavily on observability data. There are several reasons why executive leaders may not appear to prioritize observability as much as technical teams:

  1. High-Level View: Executive leaders are responsible for making strategic decisions, which often require a higher-level view of the organization’s performance. They may not delve into the granular details of observability data, as their primary concern is how the overall performance impacts business objectives, revenue, and customer satisfaction.
  2. Lack of Technical Expertise: Executive leaders may not have a deep understanding of the technical aspects of observability, as their expertise lies in business management, strategy, and operations. This may make it challenging for them to interpret detailed observability data and understand its implications for the organization.
  3. Prioritization of Business Metrics: Executives are typically focused on business-related metrics, such as revenue growth, customer acquisition, and market share. While observability data can inform these metrics, executives may prioritize direct business metrics over the underlying technical data.
  4. Overwhelming Data: Observability can generate vast amounts of data, which can be overwhelming for executive leaders who need to focus on making strategic decisions. If observability data is not presented in a consolidated, easily digestible format, executives may struggle to extract actionable insights.
  5. Need for Context: Executive leaders require context to understand how observability data relates to business outcomes. If observability data is not presented with clear connections to strategic goals and objectives, it may not resonate with executive leaders or inform their decision-making.

To make Observability data more relevant and valuable for executive leaders, it’s essential to align the data with business objectives and present it in a way that is accessible and actionable. Creating consolidated observability dashboards tailored to executive needs, focusing on high-level metrics, and demonstrating the connection between observability data and business outcomes can help bridge the gap and ensure that observability remains a priority for executive leaders.

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