Surveys Can Mislead Product Managers on Customer Churn

Here’s a startling statistic: according to SurveyMonkey, the average survey response rate is often as…

“Don’t Gamble for Better Retention, Drive Growth With A Laser Guided Missile!”

Put down the dice and pick up your scepter; it’s time to rule your kingdom…

Why AI Just Made Your Data Team Obsolete

Gone are the days of chasing the elusive ROI through an endless desert of data.…

Why Your Grandma’s Advice on Streaming Services Speaks to Business Churn Everywhere

Business 101 often harps on "new customers." Growth! Expansion! More! But did you know that…

Uptime Alone Won’t Wow Modern Customers!

To truly wow modern customers, products and services need to be intuitive, adaptive, and outcome-oriented.…

The Recipe for Doubling Conversion Rates!

Post-XenonView, the app saw its conversion rate not just simmer, but boil over, more than…

“Stop the Churn Inferno!”

OCG isn't about juggling numbers. It’s a dance focused on human-centric outcomes. It's not just…

The Art of “Funnel Fishing”

With OCG, you're not just randomly casting your line into the vast digital ocean. Instead,…

Customer Life Time Value

Instead of spraying your efforts in all directions, you're pouring energy into areas proven to…

The Marketing & Product Tango: Ditching The Funnel Dance for Outcome Archetypes

Outcome Archetypes are the jazz hands of customer insights, capturing the razzle-dazzle of every touchpoint…