Marketing Budgets Slashed 30%, As A Share Of Revenue!

The Post-Pandemic Marketing Budget Landscape

The Gartner survey, which included nearly 400 CMOs and marketing leaders from North America and Northern and Western Europe, underscores a significant trend: marketing budgets are shrinking. In 2024, the average marketing budget as a percentage of total revenue dropped to 7.7%, a new low since 2021 . This decline is stark compared to the pre-pandemic average of 11%.

Despite these reduced budgets, the expectation for marketers to achieve more with less remains high. According to Gartner, 73% of surveyed marketers reported being asked to do more with less, and 64% said they don’t have sufficient budgets to execute their strategies . This scenario presents a formidable challenge, especially for enterprises with substantial revenue where even small percentage changes translate to significant dollar amounts. The Inventor of Outcome-Centric Guidance has established itself as the inventor of outcome-centric guidance, a revolutionary methodology and technology designed to transform how marketing resources are allocated and measured. This innovative approach focuses on achieving specific business outcomes rather than merely tracking input metrics. By integrating advanced AI-driven analytics and strategic insights, empowers marketers to make data-driven decisions that directly contribute to their desired goals.

Optimizing Ad Spend

Central to’s outcome-centric guidance is the optimization of ad spend. In an environment where every marketing dollar counts, employs sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to ensure that each dollar is spent most effectively.

Precision Targeting:’s AI-driven platform can pinpoint the exact demographics and psychographics that are most likely to convert. This level of precision targeting means that marketing efforts are not wasted on uninterested audiences, thereby maximizing the impact of every dollar spent.

Dynamic Budget Allocation: Traditional marketing strategies often rely on static budget allocations, which can be inefficient., however, enables dynamic budget allocation, continuously optimizing ad spend based on real-time performance data. This ensures that the budget is always directed towards the highest-performing channels and campaigns.

Performance Forecasting: Predictive analytics is another powerful tool in’s arsenal. By forecasting campaign performance, marketers can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources, reducing the risk of overspending on underperforming ads.

Automating Analytics

In addition to optimizing ad spend, offers robust analytics automation, freeing up valuable time and resources that can be redirected towards strategic initiatives.

Real-Time Insights: provides real-time insights into campaign performance, allowing marketers to quickly identify trends and adjust strategies on the fly. This agility is crucial in a landscape where market conditions and consumer behaviors can change rapidly.

Comprehensive Reporting: With automated analytics, generates comprehensive reports that offer a holistic view of marketing efforts. These reports include detailed metrics on engagement, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and more. Having this data readily available enables marketers to measure success accurately and make data-driven decisions.

Scalability: As companies grow, the volume of data generated by marketing activities can become overwhelming.’s scalable platform ensures that even as data increases, analytics remain efficient and actionable.

The Big 7 Impacts of’s Outcome-Centric Guidance’s outcome-centric guidance has had a profound impact on the marketing landscape. Here are the Big 7 ways in which is transforming marketing efficiency and effectiveness:

  1. Rapid Increase in Purchase Intent and Sales. Within just five days of deployment, a customer witnessed a staggering 57% increase in their customers’ intent to purchase, which was closely followed by a significant rise in actual sales. This impact underscores the platform’s ability to rapidly enhance marketing and sales strategies, leading to immediate and measurable improvements in business performance.
  2. Identifying Competitive Disadvantages in Shipping Costs. Twelve days after leveraging, another customer discovered that their shipping costs were not competitive, directly affecting their sales. This realization enabled the business to reassess and optimize its shipping strategies, demonstrating’s capability to quickly identify and rectify operational inefficiencies.
  3. Optimizing Webpage Load Times for SEO. A mere three days into its deployment, helped a customer identify that slow webpage load times were adversely affecting their SEO rankings and site traffic. By pinpointing this issue so swiftly, facilitated immediate technical adjustments, leading to enhanced online visibility and customer engagement.
  4. Reevaluating Popup Offers. Six days after deployment, insights from revealed that popup offers were negatively impacting the customer experience and, consequently, conversion rates. This feedback is invaluable, showcasing how real-time data can lead to swift modifications in marketing strategies to foster a more positive user experience.
  5. Understanding Customer Preferences for Product Visibility. Seven days post-deployment, a business learned that their site visitors preferred to see products before being offered discounts. This insight is a prime example of how’s data-driven approach can uncover customer preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their online experiences for increased engagement and sales.
  6. The Necessity of a UI Refresh. After 45 days with, another customer realized the need for a complete refresh of their User Interface (UI) to facilitate business growth. This longer-term insight reflects the platform’s ability to not only deliver immediate improvements but also identify strategic pivots necessary for sustained growth.
  7. Reducing Customer Cancellation Rates. Twenty-one days after deployment, a business observed a troubling increase in customer cancellation rates linked to a specific email campaign.’s analytics pinpointed the issue, allowing the business to adjust its communication strategy and mitigate further customer losses.

The Future of Marketing with AI

While the Gartner survey indicates that AI is not yet playing a material role in most marketing budgets, its potential is undeniable. As AI technology continues to evolve, its adoption in the marketing industry is expected to accelerate, offering even more opportunities for efficiency and cost savings .

Personalization at Scale: One of the most promising aspects of AI in marketing is its ability to deliver personalization at scale. is at the forefront of this trend, using AI to create highly personalized marketing experiences that resonate with individual consumers. This not only improves engagement but also drives higher conversion rates.

Automated Campaign Management: The future of marketing lies in automation.’s platform is continually being enhanced to offer more sophisticated automated campaign management features. This includes everything from automated content creation to predictive customer journey mapping.

AI-Driven Creative Optimization: Creativity remains a cornerstone of effective marketing. is exploring ways to use AI to optimize creative elements, ensuring that ads are not only targeted effectively but also resonate on an emotional level with consumers.


In a world where marketing budgets are under increasing pressure, solutions like offer a lifeline. By optimizing ad spend and automating analytics, helps marketers achieve more with less, driving efficiency and effectiveness in their campaigns.

As companies navigate the post-pandemic landscape, the ability to adapt and innovate will be crucial. provides the tools and insights needed to thrive in this environment, positioning marketers to succeed despite financial constraints. With its outcome-centric guidance and cutting-edge AI technology, is not just a solution for today’s challenges but a partner for future growth.

By embracing the capabilities of, marketing leaders can turn budget constraints into opportunities for innovation, ensuring that their strategies are not only effective but also sustainable in the long run. The journey towards more efficient and impactful marketing begins with leveraging the power of AI, and is leading the way.

Reference: Graham, M. (2024, May 13). Marketing Budgets as a Share of Revenue Fall to Postpandemic Low. Wall Street Journal.

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