Revolutionizing DevOps: Proactive Management with XenonView’s Outcome-Centric Guidance

Real-time alerts by definition are still a reactive IT Management model, shifting to proactive resolution…

Outcome-Centric Guidance: The only path through data overload is to fly over top it!

In a world where data overload is becoming the norm, Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG) offers a…

Embracing Outcome-Centric Guidance: Connecting DevOps with Business Priorities

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations need to stay agile and competitive to succeed. As…

The Observability challenge executive leadership

Observability can be a challenge for most executives because their focus and priorities might differ…

Why is the context of an outcome crucial to its value in observability?

Meaningful Insights: Observability data alone may not provide a clear understanding of the impact on…

Observability itself does not automatically capture the context of an outcome

rather, it provides the raw data from which context can be derived. To effectively capture…

Estimated work effort for capturing the context of an outcome in an observability dashboard

The work effort required to complete the list provided for capturing the context of an…

Several reasons identifying outcomes in observability can be challenging

Complex Systems: Modern IT systems are often composed of numerous interconnected components, such as microservices,…

Observability Has Not Evolved: Welcome to What’s Next!

Discover how Outcome-Centric Guidance takes the reins from Observability, propelling DevOps and Product Management into…

Why Observability Falls Short in Delivering a Consolidated Executive Dashboard for Leadership Teams

Discover the challenges of creating an executive dashboard using traditional observability data and why a…