Performance Archives - Outcome-Centric Guidance Outcome-Centric Guidance Thu, 24 Aug 2023 18:59:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Performance Archives - Outcome-Centric Guidance 32 32 230844996 The Art of “Funnel Fishing” Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:00:06 +0000 It's time to retire the old, rusty fishing methods. The future belongs to those who understand, anticipate, and act on the outcomes their customers truly desire. Outcome-Centric Guidance is your savvy fishing guide, ensuring that every time you cast your line, it's with purpose, precision, and a higher likelihood of landing that prized catch.

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With OCG, you’re not just randomly casting your line into the vast digital ocean. Instead, you get insights into where your potential customers are actually swimming (or clicking).

Ah, marketers. We’re a peculiar bunch. We’ve spent countless hours, cups of coffee, and conference calls obsessing over funnels. Now, I’m not talking about the kitchen kind. I’m referring to the cherished sales and marketing funnels. But here’s a question: what if I told you there’s a smarter way to fish out those precious prospects from the top of the funnel? Enter the age of Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG). It’s like giving your fishing pole a GPS system. And guess what? It’s set to change how we reel in our catch.

Why Traditional Fishing (I Mean, Marketing) Falls Short

Remember the early days of digital marketing? We’d cast a wide net, hoping to scoop up as many fish as possible. It was a numbers game – the more you catch, the better your chances of landing a ‘big one.’ But here’s the twist: not every fish is the right fit for your dish.

According to HubSpot, while the average conversion rate from visitor-to-lead is 2.35%, only about 10% of those leads become customers. So, how do you know which ones to nurture? This is where OCG earns its stripes.

Outcome-Centric Guidance: The Fishing Guide You Didn’t Know You Needed

  1. Know Where the Fish Are Biting: With OCG, you’re not just randomly casting your line into the vast digital ocean. Instead, you get insights into where your potential customers are actually swimming (or clicking). You’ll know exactly which content and campaigns are luring them in, making your efforts laser-focused and more effective.
  2. The Right Bait for the Right Fish: Not all fish are attracted to the same bait, and neither are your customers. OCG helps you understand the unique motivations and desires of different customer segments. By aligning your marketing messages with these outcomes, you’re effectively placing the juiciest worms on your hook, ready to be gobbled up.
  3. Catch and Release, Smartly: It’s a hard pill to swallow, but not every lead is worth nurturing. OCG can highlight leads that are unlikely to convert, based on their interaction with your funnel’s top. By identifying these early on, you can allocate resources more efficiently, focusing on leads that have a higher likelihood of biting.

Making a Splash with Personalization

It’s 2023, and if your marketing isn’t personalized yet, you’re essentially trying to fish with a broken rod. According to an Epsilon study, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

OCG doesn’t just offer personalization; it takes it up a notch. By understanding the desired outcomes of different customer segments, your messages become more than just “Hello [First Name]!” It becomes a conversation tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

The Evolution of the Funnel

Gone are the days when the funnel was a linear path. Today’s digital consumers zig-zag, taking detours, and sometimes even jumping ship (or pools, if we stick with our fishing analogy) before making a purchase.

OCG offers a bird’s-eye view, capturing all these intricate pathways. By knowing the desired outcomes at each stage, you can effectively position your marketing tactics to guide, or should I say “nudge,” them gently down the funnel.

Conclusion: From Fishing in the Dark to Guided Angling

In Rob’s school of thought, marketing is as much about being helpful as it is about being persuasive. Outcome-Centric Guidance is the tool that bridges the two. By understanding your customers’ desired outcomes, you’re not just selling; you’re providing value. You’re addressing their needs, sometimes even before they realize them.

It’s time to retire the old, rusty fishing methods. The future belongs to those who understand, anticipate, and act on the outcomes their customers truly desire. Outcome-Centric Guidance is your savvy fishing guide, ensuring that every time you cast your line, it’s with purpose, precision, and a higher likelihood of landing that prized catch.

So, marketers, ready to make some waves with OCG? Dive in and watch your funnel fishing game transform! 🎣🚀

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The Marketing & Product Tango: Ditching The Funnel Dance for Outcome Archetypes Sat, 12 Aug 2023 16:42:12 +0000 Picture this: You've just launched a sassy software. Funnel analytics show you a bunch of folks downloading it, but there's a drop before they upgrade. With traditional tools, you're left scratching your head, hosting brainstorm mayhems, and drowning in coffee.

The post The Marketing & Product Tango: Ditching The Funnel Dance for Outcome Archetypes appeared first on Outcome-Centric Guidance.

Outcome Archetypes are the jazz hands of customer insights, capturing the razzle-dazzle of every touchpoint that leads to real, measurable outcomes. It’s not just about seeing what your customer did; it’s about predicting their next move with swagger.

Hey there, marketing maestros and product prodigies! Do you feel like you’re endlessly chasing the pot of gold at the end of the analytics rainbow? I hate to be the bearer of rain on your parade, but there’s a good chance you’ve been dancing to the wrong tune. Say goodbye to those dizzying funnel analytics spins and twirls. Let’s tango with the showstopper: Outcome Archetypes!

The Misstep of Funnel Analytics

Alright, let’s get real. Traditional funnel analytics? It’s like the Macarena of the digital era. Fun for a time, but not the dance you want to groove to forever. Here’s why:

  1. Too Much Data, Too Little Insight: It’s all about who clicked what, but rarely about the why. Are we marketers or data entry clerks? Come on!
  2. Generic Journeys: Let’s be honest; no two customer journeys are the same. Funnel analytics try to squeeze them all into a one-size-fits-all model. Kinda like trying to fit an elephant into skinny jeans. Not a good look.
  3. Delayed Reactions: Traditional funnels tell you what’s happened, but they’re a tad slow on the draw. It’s akin to trying to predict tomorrow’s weather using today’s newspaper.

Enter Stage: Outcome Archetypes

Gather ’round, dear friends, and let’s chat about these gems! Outcome Archetypes are the jazz hands of customer insights, capturing the razzle-dazzle of every touchpoint that leads to real, measurable outcomes. It’s not just about seeing what your customer did; it’s about predicting their next move with swagger.

Why The Outcome Archetype Groove is Superior:

  1. Pinpoint Precision: With Outcome Archetypes, you’re not throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. You’re tossing a ninja star with laser focus. Zing!
  2. Tailored Triumphs: Why try to please everyone when you can absolutely delight a few? Discover the specific success narratives and optimize them. It’s not about wider nets; it’s about smarter ones.
  3. Future-Proofing: This isn’t just about analyzing the past; it’s about crafting the future. With Outcome Archetypes, you’re playing 4D chess while others are still figuring out checkers.

When Funnel Analytics Fumbles, How Do Outcome Archetypes Save the Day?

Picture this: You’ve just launched a sassy software. Funnel analytics show you a bunch of folks downloading it, but there’s a drop before they upgrade. With traditional tools, you’re left scratching your head, hosting brainstorm mayhems, and drowning in coffee.

But with Outcome Archetypes, the fog clears. You realize, for instance, that users who watch a particular video tutorial, engage with a specific feature, and read your spunky newsletter, are 85% more likely to upgrade. Eureka! You’ve found your archetype.

Now, instead of casting nets in the vast ocean, you’re fishing in a barrel. Your marketing campaigns emphasize that killer video, your product team makes that feature shine brighter, and your content team? They’re serving up newsletters hotter than a jalapeño dipped in Sriracha!

To Conclude, Here’s Some Straight Talk

Product pals and marketing mavericks, in this dynamic digital dance, are you leading or just being led around? Outcome Archetypes aren’t just the next shiny thing; they’re THE thing. The magic trick you didn’t know you needed.

Funnel analytics? They had their moment, just like mullets and disco balls. But in the world of razor-sharp marketing and standout products, it’s time for the next evolution. So, lace up those dancing shoes and let’s groove with Outcome Archetypes. You in?

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Introducing Outcome-Centric Guidance: A New Paradigm in Analytics Mon, 26 Jun 2023 17:02:49 +0000 Traditional analytics tools have been incredible at providing a plethora of data, but often they can be likened to a solution looking for a problem In an ever-evolving digital world, data has become the backbone of modern business decision-making. Business owners and strategists often find themselves lost in a sea of analytics tools, each promising […]

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Traditional analytics tools have been incredible at providing a plethora of data, but often they can be likened to a solution looking for a problem

In an ever-evolving digital world, data has become the backbone of modern business decision-making. Business owners and strategists often find themselves lost in a sea of analytics tools, each promising the Holy Grail of insights and optimization. However, a recurring challenge remains – aligning data insights with tangible business outcomes. Traditional analytics tools have been incredible at providing a plethora of data, but often they can be likened to a solution looking for a problem. They furnish you with numbers and graphs but leave the critical part – connecting the dots to business outcomes – largely up to you.

Enter Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG), a fresh perspective on analytics that is revolutionizing the way businesses interpret data. OCG isn’t just about accumulating data points; it’s about understanding what those data points mean for your business goals and guiding you through making improvements that impact those goals directly.

Consider the analogy of navigating a forest. Traditional analytics tools are like a compass and a topographic map. They’ll tell you where north is and what the terrain looks like, but choosing the best path to reach your destination is still up to you. OCG, on the other hand, is like a GPS navigation system that not only shows you the terrain but also guides you turn by turn, constantly recalibrating based on your location and obstacles you might face.

This pivotal shift doesn’t just change how data is interpreted; it has the potential to transform business operations on a fundamental level. When your analytics tool is inherently designed to focus on outcomes, it changes the conversations you have, the decisions you make, and the strategies you employ.

In this blog, we will venture into the realm of OCG by introducing you to XenonView, a trailblazer in outcome-centric analytics. We will then explore how XenonView’s approach compares to that of conventional analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, and Heap. Each of these platforms has been a giant in its own right, but as we will see, there are key differences in how they align (or don’t align) analytics with business outcomes.

For instance, while Google Analytics might tell you how many users visited your website last month, XenonView will highlight how user interactions are contributing to, or hindering, desired outcomes like lead conversion, user retention, and revenue generation. It’s the difference between knowing what is happening, and understanding what to do about it.

Moreover, with traditional tools, much of the burden of synthesizing data into actionable insights falls on analysts who need to be well-versed in both data science and business strategy. OCG empowers even those who are not data experts to make data-driven decisions aligned with business goals.

Join us as we delve deeper into the world of Outcome-Centric Guidance with XenonView and explore how this paradigm shift is set to redefine the role of analytics in strategic business decision-making. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business strategist, or an analyst, the insights from this comparison will equip you with the knowledge to choose the analytics path that’s best aligned with your business outcomes. The future of analytics is here, and it’s focused, outcome-centric, and empowering.

XenonView distinguishes itself with its focused commitment to Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG). Here’s a brief comparison with other notable solutions in the market:

  1. Google Analytics: Widely used for monitoring website traffic, user demographics, and behavior, Google Analytics can tell you that 1,000 users visited your e-commerce website and 500 of them are from the United States. However, it doesn’t directly tie this information to your specific business outcomes, such as the number of U.S. users who completed a purchase or signed up for a subscription.
  2. Adobe Analytics: A powerful tool that provides an in-depth view of customer interactions across multiple channels. For instance, it can inform you that a user read a blog post on your website, clicked on a product ad, and then downloaded your mobile app. But aligning this journey to a business outcome, like whether the user made a purchase through the app, is something you’d have to decipher and potentially derive with additional tools.
  3. Mixpanel: Mixpanel specializes in user interaction tracking, especially for mobile apps. It can tell you how often a feature in your app is used or the demographic breakdown of your app’s users. However, it doesn’t inherently tie these insights to business outcomes like user retention rate or revenue generation.
  4. Heap: Heap’s automatic event tracking is an advantage, capturing all user interactions on your website without needing to predefine the events. It might tell you that users spent a significant amount of time on a particular webpage. However, aligning this with a business outcome such as lead conversion would require additional interpretation and analysis.
  5. XenonView: The strength of XenonView lies in its OCG approach. Suppose your desired business outcome is to increase user subscriptions. In that case, XenonView not only tracks user behavior but directly aligns this data with the specified outcome. For example, it can provide insight on the journey of users who ended up subscribing, identify the most common milestones on this path, and suggest actions to optimize this journey for more subscriptions.

The key distinction of XenonView is its inherent focus on your specific business outcomes. While other tools provide extensive data and user behavior insights, they often stop short of directly linking these insights to the achievement of business outcomes. XenonView bridges this gap, making it a uniquely valuable tool for businesses aiming to drive strategic, outcome-oriented decisions through their analytics.

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OCG: The Compass in the Digital Business Analytics Wilderness Mon, 26 Jun 2023 16:26:30 +0000 Tools often end up being solutions searching for a problem to solve The rapid evolution of technology has birthed an innumerable array of digital business analytics tools. However, these tools often end up being solutions searching for a problem to solve. They are akin to compasses that point in every direction but the one you […]

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Tools often end up being solutions searching for a problem to solve

The rapid evolution of technology has birthed an innumerable array of digital business analytics tools. However, these tools often end up being solutions searching for a problem to solve. They are akin to compasses that point in every direction but the one you need. Enter Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG), the compass that knows your destination and guides you there. OCG fundamentally shifts the focus from providing generic solutions to precisely targeting your digital business challenges. In this article, we will explore the dynamics of OCG and how it proves to be an indispensable ally in your digital business venture.

The Common Dilemma: A Solution in Search of a Problem

Imagine a toolbox with an assortment of tools – some that you need and many that you don’t. You know you need to fix something, but you are not sure what the problem is or which tools to use. This is what the landscape looks like for many digital business analytics tools today.

These tools inundate users with heaps of data, dashboards, and charts without a clear focus on the end goals or desired outcomes. While having information at your fingertips is essential, too much can be overwhelming, particularly if it’s not contextualized to your specific business needs.

For example, consider an eCommerce platform looking to improve customer retention. While a traditional analytics tool might provide data on website traffic, page views, and demographics, it may not efficiently highlight the critical information needed for customer retention.

OCG: Finding the Solution to Your Problem

OCG is different. It doesn’t just give you the toolbox; it helps you identify what you need to fix, hands you the right tools, and guides you through the repair process.

For instance, an eCommerce platform may identify its primary business outcome as customer retention. OCG takes this outcome and examines the customer journey milestones leading to this outcome, such as registration, first purchase, customer feedback, etc. It focuses on the pertinent data related to these milestones and analyzes how they contribute to customer retention. In essence, OCG customizes the analytics to serve the specific business outcome.

Let’s break down how OCG works through different stages:

Stage 1: Identify Business Outcomes

Identifying your desired business outcomes is the cornerstone of the OCG approach. Outcomes are the end goals, such as increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, or reducing operational costs.

For example, a SaaS company may have business outcomes like increasing subscription renewals and improving customer referrals.

Stage 2: Map the Customer Journey

For each business outcome, OCG identifies the customer journey milestones leading up to that outcome.

For instance, for the SaaS company looking to increase subscription renewals, milestones might include initial signup, onboarding, usage frequency, customer support interaction, etc.

Stage 3: Instrumentation and Data Collection

OCG collects data specific to the identified milestones. This targeted approach ensures that only relevant data is collected, saving time and resources.

Stage 4: Analyze and Take Action

With OCG, analysis is streamlined and focused. By examining how milestones affect business outcomes, organizations can take targeted actions.

In the SaaS example, if analysis shows that customers who engage more with customer support are more likely to renew their subscription, the company might decide to proactively reach out to customers with support and resources.

A Real-World Example

Consider a cloud storage company that wants to increase the number of premium subscribers. Traditional analytics tools would offer data on user activities but may not specifically target the premium subscription aspect.

OCG, in contrast, focuses on the milestones such as sign-ups, feature usage, customer inquiries for premium plans, etc. The company finds out that users who used a particular feature were more likely to upgrade to the premium plan. This knowledge allows them to modify their marketing strategy to highlight this feature to free users, encouraging more upgrades to premium subscriptions.

In Conclusion

In the vast wilderness of digital business analytics, OCG is a compass that finds the right solution to your specific problem. It allows businesses to focus on what truly matters to them by aligning data analytics with their specific business outcomes. The era of analytics tools being solutions in search of problems is past. With OCG, the future is here: analytics tools that are the solution to your problems. Your digital business deserves nothing less.

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Outcome-Centric Guidance Explained Sat, 03 Jun 2023 04:20:31 +0000 The post Outcome-Centric Guidance Explained appeared first on Outcome-Centric Guidance.

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Marketing – The blackbox of success Fri, 02 Jun 2023 22:35:56 +0000 Why your marketing campaign is successful or not should not be a mystery! Businesses need to know which marketing efforts are yielding results and where there might be room for improvement. In a bid to answer these questions and more, a new innovative technology has emerged from XenonView – Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG). This pioneering tool […]

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Why your marketing campaign is successful or not should not be a mystery!

Businesses need to know which marketing efforts are yielding results and where there might be room for improvement. In a bid to answer these questions and more, a new innovative technology has emerged from XenonView – Outcome-Centric Guidance (OCG). This pioneering tool is poised to revolutionize the field of marketing and branding, providing businesses with the insight they need to optimize their sales process.

Understanding the Sales Journey with OCG

OCG works by tracing the journey from initial content or sales lead to a converted sale, providing an unparalleled view of the sales process. This approach allows businesses to see which steps in the process are effective and which ones warrant further investment.

For example, consider a customer who found your business through a blog post, signed up for your newsletter, and eventually made a purchase after receiving a promotional email. With OCG, you can map this journey and identify the key factors that led to a successful conversion. This insight can be instrumental in optimizing marketing strategies, focusing resources on tactics that have proven successful, and ultimately, improving conversion rates.

Identifying Breakdowns with OCG

But the benefits of OCG don’t stop at highlighting successes. Crucially, this tool also serves as a powerful troubleshooting aid by identifying points of breakdown when expected results aren’t met.

Whether it’s a technological failure, content that fails to resonate with the target audience, or any other obstacle that impedes successful conversion, OCG helps businesses understand these pitfalls. This knowledge can guide the necessary improvements and adjustments in marketing strategies, helping businesses navigate around these roadblocks in their journey towards sales success.

OCG: A Comprehensive Solution for Improved Sales Outcomes

In summary, XenonView’s OCG offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to improve their sales outcomes and marketing effectiveness. By linking specific actions or content pieces to their outcomes, OCG enables organizations to get a clearer picture of what works and what doesn’t.

This level of insight is invaluable in today’s competitive marketplace, where businesses need to be agile, adapting their strategies based on data-driven insights. With OCG, businesses can make informed decisions on where to allocate their resources for maximum returns, thus ensuring their marketing and sales efforts are as efficient and effective as possible.

Conclusion: The Future of Marketing with OCG

In a world where marketing strategies need to be continually optimized and refined, XenonView’s Outcome-Centric Guidance provides the much-needed tool for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. It’s not just about understanding what is working now; it’s about paving the way for future successes by understanding the entire journey from lead to sale.

OCG’s capability to identify both successful tactics and points of breakdown presents a game-changing approach to marketing and branding. With such an innovative tool, businesses can expect to see a significant improvement in their understanding and optimization of their sales process, leading to enhanced performance and growth in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

As the field of marketing continues to evolve, the importance of tools like XenonView’s Outcome-Centric Guidance only grows. Businesses that adapt and incorporate these advanced solutions are the ones that will thrive, leading the way in the digital marketing landscape of tomorrow.

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Estimated work effort for capturing the context of an outcome in an observability dashboard Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:55:40 +0000 The work effort required to complete the list provided for capturing the context of an outcome in an observability dashboard depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the system being monitored, the availability of relevant data, the skill and experience of the team, and the level of integration between observability tools and business […]

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The work effort required to complete the list provided for capturing the context of an outcome in an observability dashboard depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the system being monitored, the availability of relevant data, the skill and experience of the team, and the level of integration between observability tools and business data sources. However, to give you a rough estimate, here is a breakdown of the steps and the expected effort:

  1. Define Desired Outcomes: This step typically involves brainstorming sessions and discussions with various stakeholders, including technical and business teams. Estimated effort: 1-2 days.
  2. Identify Relevant Metrics: This step requires a deep understanding of the system, its components, and the relationship between technical metrics and business outcomes. Estimated effort: 1-3 days.
  3. Map Metrics to Outcomes: This step involves creating a clear mapping between the identified metrics and desired outcomes. Estimated effort: 1 day.
  4. Collect and Aggregate Data: This step may require configuration and customization of observability tools, as well as the development of data pipelines or integrations to aggregate data from different sources. Estimated effort: 1-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the system and the existing observability infrastructure.
  5. Visualize Data: Designing an effective dashboard requires an understanding of data visualization principles and the ability to use dashboarding tools. Estimated effort: 1-2 weeks.
  6. Add Contextual Information: This step involves adding annotations, descriptions, and other contextual information to the dashboard. Estimated effort: 1-3 days.
  7. Monitor and Adjust: This step is an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and iteration to ensure the dashboard remains relevant and effective. Estimated effort: ongoing.

Please note that these estimates are approximate and can vary significantly based on the specific circumstances and requirements of your organization. Additionally, some steps may be performed concurrently, potentially reducing the overall time needed to complete the process. It is essential to allocate sufficient time and resources to each step to ensure the successful capture of context in an observability dashboard.

Based on the estimated work effort provided for each step, the total work effort can be summarized as follows:

  • Define Desired Outcomes: 1-2 days
  • Identify Relevant Metrics: 1-3 days
  • Map Metrics to Outcomes: 1 day
  • Collect and Aggregate Data: 1-4 weeks (let’s assume an average of 3 weeks or 15 working days)
  • Visualize Data: 1-2 weeks (let’s assume an average of 1.5 weeks or 7.5 working days)
  • Add Contextual Information: 1-3 days
  • Monitor and Adjust: Ongoing (not included in the initial cost estimation)

Total estimated work effort: 26.5-31.5 working days

To estimate the cost of investment, we need to consider the average salary or hourly rate of the professionals involved in this process. Assuming an average hourly rate of $50 for professionals working on this project (you can adjust this rate based on your region and specific circumstances), we can calculate the cost as follows:

Minimum estimated work effort: 26.5 days * 8 hours/day * $100/hour = $21,200

Maximum estimated work effort: 31.5 days * 8 hours/day * $100/hour = $25,200

The estimated cost of investment for capturing the context of an outcome in an observability dashboard ranges from $21,200 to $25,200, excluding the ongoing costs of monitoring and adjusting the dashboard. Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and can vary depending on factors such as regional salaries, specific project requirements, and the complexity of the system being monitored.

Estimating the ongoing maintenance costs for an observability dashboard depends on various factors, including system complexity, the frequency of updates, and the need for additional resources. Here’s a breakdown of some typical maintenance tasks and their associated costs:

  1. Dashboard Updates: Updating the dashboard to reflect changes in metrics, business objectives, or system components might be necessary. Estimated effort: 1-2 days per update (assuming quarterly updates, that’s 4-8 days per year).
  2. Data Pipeline Maintenance: Ensuring data pipelines and integrations remain functional and up-to-date as systems evolve requires ongoing effort. Estimated effort: 1 day per month (12 days per year).
  3. Monitoring and Analysis: Continuously monitoring the dashboard, analyzing the data, and identifying areas for improvement is an ongoing process. Estimated effort: 1 day per week (approximately 50 days per year).
  4. Training and Support: Providing training and support for new team members or stakeholders who need to use the dashboard. Estimated effort: variable, depending on the size of the organization and staff turnover.

Using the same average hourly rate of $100 from the previous cost estimation, we can calculate the ongoing maintenance costs:

Minimum estimated work effort: (4 + 12 + 50) days * 8 hours/day * $100/hour = $52,800 per year

Please note that these estimates are approximate and can vary depending on your organization’s specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, this estimate does not account for software licensing or subscription fees for observability tools, data storage, or dashboarding solutions, which may also contribute to ongoing costs.

Estimating the Observability costs:  

Estimating the costs of observability licenses and data storage depends on various factors, such as the tools used, the number of users, the volume of data generated, and the data retention period. Here’s a rough breakdown of costs associated with some common observability tools and data storage services:

  1. Observability Tool Licenses: The costs of observability tools can vary widely depending on the specific product and pricing model. Some common tools and their approximate costs are:
  • Datadog: Starts at $15 per host per month for Infrastructure Monitoring and $31 per host per month for APM (Application Performance Monitoring). Pricing varies based on the number of hosts and features.
  • New Relic: Starts at $25 per user per month for Full-Stack Observability. Pricing depends on the number of users and features included.
  • Dynatrace: Pricing is not publicly available but typically starts at around $20 per host per month. Contact the vendor for a custom quote.

Observability Tool Licenses: Using Datadog for Infrastructure Monitoring and APM for 10 hosts. The approximate annual cost remains $6,720 per year.

  1. Data Storage: Let’s assume your organization generates 100 TB of observability data per month, which includes logs, metrics, traces, and other contextual information. Using Amazon S3 as an example:
  • The first 50 TB per month: $0.023 per GB per month
  • The next 450 TB per month: $0.022 per GB per month

Calculating the storage costs for 100 TB (102,400 GB) per month:

  • First 50 TB (51,200 GB): (51,200 GB * $0.023) = $1,177.60 per month
  • Next 50 TB (51,200 GB): (51,200 GB * $0.022) = $1,126.40 per month

Total cost per month: $1,177.60 + $1,126.40 = $2,304 per month

Total annual cost: $2,304 * 12 months = $27,648 per year

Considering the larger volume of data required for contextual insights, the new estimated costs for observability tool licenses and data storage are:

  • Observability tool licenses: $6,720 per year
  • Data storage: $27,648 per year

Total estimated annual cost: $34,368

Keep in mind that these are approximate costs based on the example provided and can vary depending on the specific tools, data storage service, data retention policies, and other factors. It’s important to evaluate your organization’s needs and review the pricing details for each tool or service to obtain an accurate estimate of costs.

So the total costs all in are as follows:

Outcome-Centric Dashboard: 

$21,200 to Develop

$52,800 to Maintain

$34,368 for licensing and storage

$108,368 total cost of ownership for a small to medium sized business in year one, and $87,168 to keep it going.

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How Technology Performance drives Revenues and Efficiencies Drive Productivity Sat, 20 Aug 2022 01:26:42 +0000 In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost their revenues and productivity. A focus on technology performance and the pursuit of efficiencies can lead to significant improvements in both areas. In this blog post, we will explore how optimizing technology performance drives revenues and how efficiencies […]

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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost their revenues and productivity. A focus on technology performance and the pursuit of efficiencies can lead to significant improvements in both areas. In this blog post, we will explore how optimizing technology performance drives revenues and how efficiencies can enhance productivity across various industries.

The Connection Between Technology Performance and Revenue

Technology performance is an essential factor that directly impacts a company’s ability to generate revenue. The better a company’s technology performs, the more efficiently it can handle tasks, communicate with customers, and process transactions. This performance can result in increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, and higher overall revenues. Here are a few ways in which technology performance can drive revenue:

  1. Enhancing Customer Experience: A well-performing technology platform can deliver a seamless and enjoyable user experience to customers, ultimately leading to increased conversions, repeat business, and higher revenues.
  2. Streamlining Business Processes: Optimized technology performance can help businesses automate and streamline their processes, reducing manual intervention, minimizing errors, and speeding up operations. This efficiency can lead to cost savings, improved customer service, and ultimately, higher revenues.
  3. Supporting Data-Driven Decisions: High-performance technology platforms can collect, analyze, and present data in a way that enables businesses to make informed decisions. This data-driven approach can uncover new revenue opportunities, optimize marketing efforts, and improve customer retention.
  4. Fostering Innovation: Investing in high-performing technology encourages innovation, enabling businesses to develop new products, services, or processes that can drive additional revenue streams.

Efficiencies and Their Impact on Productivity

Efficiency is the ability to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. In the context of technology, efficiencies can be achieved through various means, including automation, process optimization, and data-driven decision-making. These efficiencies can have a significant impact on a company’s overall productivity, which in turn can boost revenues. Here are some ways in which technology-driven efficiencies can enhance productivity:

  1. Automation: By automating repetitive tasks, technology can free up valuable time and resources that can be allocated to more important and strategic activities. Automation can also reduce the risk of human error, improve consistency, and enable businesses to scale their operations more effectively.
  2. Process Optimization: Technology can help organizations identify inefficiencies in their processes and implement changes that streamline operations, reduce bottlenecks, and increase output. This optimization can lead to higher productivity and lower operating costs, which can directly impact a company’s bottom line.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging technology to collect and analyze data can enable businesses to make more informed decisions regarding resource allocation, operational improvements, and strategic planning. This data-driven approach can lead to greater productivity by focusing on the areas where improvements will have the most significant impact.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: Technology platforms can facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members, departments, and even external partners. Improved collaboration can result in more efficient workflows, faster problem-solving, and higher overall productivity.

Real-World Examples of Technology Performance and Efficiency Driving Success

Let’s look at some real-world examples of how companies have leveraged technology performance and efficiency to drive revenues and enhance productivity:

  1. Amazon: Amazon’s success can be attributed to its constant focus on technology performance and efficiency. The company’s highly automated warehouses, sophisticated logistics systems, and cutting-edge data analytics tools have enabled it to provide fast shipping and a seamless customer experience, resulting in massive revenue growth and market dominance.
  2. Netflix: The streaming giant’s data-driven approach to content creation and recommendation has helped it stay ahead of the competition. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, Netflix can create and recommend content that keeps users engaged, leading to higher subscriber retention rates and increased revenues.
  1. Airbnb: This home-sharing platform’s efficient technology infrastructure has allowed it to scale rapidly and disrupt the traditional hospitality industry. By streamlining the booking process and using data analytics to optimize pricing and match guests with the ideal accommodations, Airbnb has increased customer satisfaction and driven significant revenue growth.
  2. Slack: As a communication and collaboration tool, Slack has revolutionized the way teams work together. By providing an efficient, user-friendly platform that seamlessly integrates with other productivity tools, Slack has enabled businesses to improve their workflow and boost productivity, ultimately leading to increased revenues.

Best Practices for Optimizing Technology Performance and Efficiency

To harness the full potential of technology performance and efficiency, businesses should consider the following best practices:

  1. Invest in the right technology: Choose technology solutions that align with your business objectives and are scalable to meet future needs. Avoid investing in technology for technology’s sake – focus on tools that will truly drive performance improvements and enhance efficiency.
  2. Monitor and measure performance: Regularly monitor and measure the performance of your technology infrastructure to identify areas for improvement. Use data-driven insights to guide your technology optimization efforts and ensure you’re focusing on the most impactful areas.
  3. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement: Foster a culture that values ongoing learning and improvement. Encourage employees to seek out new ways to optimize technology performance and efficiency, and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed.
  4. Provide training and support: Ensure your team members are adequately trained in using the technology tools at their disposal. Offer ongoing support and opportunities for professional development to help employees stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and trends.
  5. Collaborate and share knowledge: Encourage cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing among your team members. This collaboration can lead to innovative ideas and solutions that drive technology performance and efficiency improvements.


In today’s competitive business landscape, technology performance and efficiency are critical drivers of revenue and productivity. By focusing on optimizing technology performance, enhancing customer experiences, streamlining business processes, and leveraging data-driven insights, companies can significantly boost their revenues and overall productivity.

Investing in the right technology solutions, monitoring performance, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and providing ongoing training and support are essential steps towards achieving this optimization. By embracing these best practices, businesses can harness the full potential of technology to drive success and growth in an increasingly digital world.

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end of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary.

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