The Evolution: MarTech and Product Management to AI

Outcome-Centric Guidance isn’t just a revolution; it’s the next natural step in the evolution of…

Account Exec Led Growth vs. Product Led Growth

PLG is a go-to-market strategy where the product itself is the primary driver of customer…

Google Analytics vs. OCG, The Evolution

The beauty of OCG is that it doesn't oust Google Analytics from its throne; rather,…

“OCG, The Sales Funnel Supercharger”

Let's say your conversion rate is at a measly 2%. By just applying a tiny…

“Don’t Gamble for Better Retention, Drive Growth With A Laser Guided Missile!”

Put down the dice and pick up your scepter; it’s time to rule your kingdom…

The Recipe for Doubling Conversion Rates!

Post-XenonView, the app saw its conversion rate not just simmer, but boil over, more than…

OCG can pick out the customers who purchase

Identify the series of actions that most frequently lead to purchase. Knowing your customer is…

Outcome-Centric Guidance Full Funnel Analysis Empowers Digital Business Strategy

It’s not just about knowing that a user has upgraded their account or cancelled their…