Data: The New Gold

The Data Explosion: Blessing or Curse? In this brave new digital era, data has often…

2024: AI Eats Analytics, Universities Are Behind the Curve

Hey there, digital groove-masters and data rockstars! DJ Rob here, spinning a fresh track on…

Observability Has Not Evolved!

A seismic shift is underway! The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in analytics is not…

The AI Revolution is Making Traditional Tools Obsolete

In a market saturated with digital tools promising to elevate your business to new heights,…

Shifting To A Proactive Digital Business With and Conviva

Where digital transformations are not only accelerating but also becoming more intricate, there's an unprecedented…

The Lethal Combo of and New Relic

Data-driven decisions no longer remain a luxury but a fundamental necessity. Two trailblazers in this…

Surveys Can Mislead Product Managers on Customer Churn

Here’s a startling statistic: according to SurveyMonkey, the average survey response rate is often as…

Uptime Alone Won’t Wow Modern Customers!

To truly wow modern customers, products and services need to be intuitive, adaptive, and outcome-oriented.…

The Recipe for Doubling Conversion Rates!

Post-XenonView, the app saw its conversion rate not just simmer, but boil over, more than…

Every Digital Business Strategy has one requirement: A complete view of their customer lifecycle, beginning to the end.

Data-Driven Approach that focuses on Outcomes will cut through the noise When 73% of all…