The “Big 7” Impacts and No Cookies For You!

Digital Businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in adapting to changes, particularly with the impending cookieless…

E-commerce Site Grows Buyers 57% In 5 Days!

Yes you heard that right, 5 Days after implementing the recommendations their Sales Funnel…

DJ Rob: eCommerce Cart Traffic Climbs A Whopping 57%!

Alright, folks, let's spin this tale BladeOps style, remixed by yours truly, DJ Rob! Imagine…

Why Data Science Investments Are Struggling?

Despite the significant investment in data science capabilities, many organizations are struggling to realize a…

Cut Analytics Tool Costs, Not Analyst’s Jobs!

What's up, digital groove masters and tech aficionados! DJ Rob here, spinning a new track…

2024: AI Reduces Marketing Analytics Time 30%

Welcome to the future of marketing, where is leading a revolution with its groundbreaking…

2024: AI Eats Analytics, Universities Are Behind the Curve

Hey there, digital groove-masters and data rockstars! DJ Rob here, spinning a fresh track on…

Observability Has Not Evolved!

A seismic shift is underway! The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in analytics is not…

The AI Revolution is Making Traditional Tools Obsolete

In a market saturated with digital tools promising to elevate your business to new heights,…

Marketing: How OCG is Remixing the Sales Game

What's up, party people? DJ Rob here, dropping another beat on the turntables of the…