SaaS Customer Retention Leaps 50%

Customer retention for a SaaS (Software As A Service) company is as crucial as acquiring…

2024: AI Eats Analytics, Universities Are Behind the Curve

Hey there, digital groove-masters and data rockstars! DJ Rob here, spinning a fresh track on…

Harnessing the Future of Customer Experience: XenonLab OCG vs Tealeaf Acoustic

A new-age, AI-driven tool that takes customer insights to the next level by focusing primarily…

Dashboards Are Dead!

Narratives and Instructions are the Future of Driving Stronger Business Outcomes Introduction If you're logging…

Surveys Can Mislead Product Managers on Customer Churn

Here’s a startling statistic: according to SurveyMonkey, the average survey response rate is often as…

“Don’t Gamble for Better Retention, Drive Growth With A Laser Guided Missile!”

Put down the dice and pick up your scepter; it’s time to rule your kingdom…

The Observability challenge executive leadership

Observability can be a challenge for most executives because their focus and priorities might differ…